We just completed our January New Beginning online conference! Help 3,000-plus Arabic-speakers continue their journey to learn more about Jesus. Act now!


Over the years, Brother Rachid has reached millions of Arabic-speakers around the world. Countless lives have been changed, and many people have realized the true realties of Islam. However, what happens after someone discovers the truth? How do we encourage seekers to take the next step to find salvation through Jesus Christ? 

“New Beginning” is an initiative of Brother Rachid in cooperation with Levant Ministries, to provide an opportunity for Muslims and seekers to decide to follow Christ. The goals of this event include:
● Encourage seekers to start a new life in Christ● Listen and answer specific questions● Provide a detailed explanation of Christianity

You can support this life changing movement!


Lives Transformed

Consider Malika, from Egypt. In November 2020, one of our counselors reported, “This conference was her first time being in a Christian meeting.”
“All she knew about Christianity was from YouTube or through the research she conducted herself when she discovered that Islam was not the truth. 
“She loved the Lord Jesus and His character, but she didn’t know what she needed to do. I explained that I would write part of the salvation prayer and wait for her to copy and send it back to me. She accepted with excitement and asked Jesus to be Lord over her life. I sent her an email so I could have a follow-up with her and she replied the next day. To God be the glory.” 


Powerful Results

Between live sessions and re-airing of the material for three New Beginning conferences we:
● Hosted over 3,600 attendees● Engaged in 508 private prayer chat sessions● Saw 169 people accept Christ as their Savior and pray with our follow-up team on the platform.

Hear what a difference these conferences make. 
When Husam originally applied to attend the first conference, he wrote:
“I left Islam, and I’m looking for the truth and leaning toward Jesus Christ. I need to get in direct contact with someone so I can press on and stay firm on my decision without looking back.”
Afterward, he shared with the follow-up team: “Peace be upon you: I want to let you know that my three children decided to follow Christ. Thank you very much.”

Today, you can join Brother Rachid and AMM in supporting New Beginning — to help those who have left Islam dedicate their life to Jesus.
Together, we can bring hope to the Middle East, one life at a time.