
About Arabic Media Ministries

Media-driven globalization is exposing more and more people in the Middle East and North Africa to new ideas. As a result, an increasing number are asking questions about matters of faith, religion, and the Bible. Arabic Media Ministries provides multiple resources for Arabic-speakers anywhere in the world to learn about Christianity and have conversations with local believers.
Arabic Media Ministries is a new name for our family of ministries. Together, we're reaching hundreds of thousands of Arabic-speakers around the world through media evangelism, digital discipleship, and telephone prayer ministry. Our satellite television programs and digital media channels reach millions of viewers, while our online discipleship platform and phone-based prayer responders facilitate thousands of conversations with spiritual seekers and believers in need of encouragement.
Every year, our follow-up team answers an unending stream of calls, emails, and online chats. They respond to questions from spiritual seekers and also ministers to believers in need of encouragement. Through our worldwide network of churches, we can even connect people to communities where they can grow in the faith.

Each year, AMM responds to thousands of phone calls and messages from both believers and spiritual seekers.

Join our Prayer Team

We are building a global network of believers to pray for the people of the Middle East and North Africa. Sign up below to find out more.

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Sign up to receive regular prayer updates and testimonies of what God is doing through our ministry in the Arabic-speaking world!

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